The NSS wing of University College of Engineering, Nagercoil was inaugurated on 12.10.2012. There are two NSS Units in our college with 100 volunteers for each units. Both are funded units and work under the direct supervision of NSS Coordinator Anna University Chennai. The programme Officer for Unit-I and II are Dr.S.Suresh and Dr.S.Judes Sujatha. Both the Units are vibrant and have done several community services.

Faculty In-Charge
Assistant Professor / Mech
Programme Officer- NSS Unit-I

Assistant Professor / ECE
Programme Officer- NSS Unit-II
- The various programme organized by NSS of college includes orientation programme for the volunteers on 28-09-2016. The programme was presided by our dean Dr.T.V.S.Pillai and Dr.B. Jeyanthi, Dean UVOCCE Thoothukudi delivered key note address. The presentation was given by Dr.Mathumathi, NSS PO from UVOCCET. To implement the Swachh Bharat Mission launched by our Hon’ble Prime Minister and to propagate the importance of sanitation, healthy sanitation practices was organized on 25-10-2016. It was presided by our dean Dr.T.V.S.Pillai and Mrs.S.Subbulakshmi Assistant project officer DRDA Nagercoil presented about healthy sanitation for healthy life.
- The Swachh Bharat practices were initiated in our college by cleaning our campus by our volunteers on 14-11-2016. The programme was presided by our dean Dr.T.V.S.Pillai.
- Our college volunteers participated in the rally and National Voters Day Celebration organized by District administration on 25-01-2017. The programme was presided by our District Collector.
- To make our campus evergreen and clean Swachh Bharat Mission and tree plantation were done in our campus on 14-02-2017. The programme was presided by our dean Dr.T.V.S.Pillai
- The NSS special camp was conducted from 07-03-2017 to 13-03-2017 at Government Middle School Thammathukonam, Nagercoil. We organized Digital India programme on 30-03-2017 in order to implement the Vittiya Sakharata Abhiyan and Digital Economy.
- To make the campus green and ecologically sound, tree planting activity was conducted on 21-07-2017.
- We conducted the Adventure Camp on 22-07-2017at Ulakkaiyaruvi in Kanyakumari District ..
- Organized Dengue awareness (24-7-2017) and Dengue prevention programmes(26-7-17).Both the programmes were conducted in collaboration with Nagercoil Municipality. It was presided by our dean Dr. T.V.S. Pillai. Muncipal health officer Dr. Vinoth Raja, Mr. Rajesh sanitary inspector and many workers from Nagercoil munciplity participated in the campaign.
- River of Books, a system for the benefit and welfare of staff and students of our college was opened on 3-8-17. The staff and students of our college may submit their used books in various subjects and GK in the system after proper entry in the inward register. The needy people of our college may take the books after correct entry in the outward register.
- To make our campus evergreen and clean Swachh Bharat Mission and tree plantation were done on 28-8-17 in the campus. We have broadcasted a short film “Kulanthaigalin Salam Kalam” on behalf of NSS on 20-09-2017.
- Consumer awareness programme was conducted on 6-10-17 and was presided by our Dean.Mr.S.R.Sree Ram District Secretary FEDCOT and Prof.S.Peer Mohammed former Chairman FEDCOT felicitated the gathering.
- Free eye and dental campaign were organized for the benefit of staff and students of our college on 14-10-17. Medical team from James dental hospital Vettornimadam and Vasan eye care Nagercoil done the service in our campus
- Dr.C.JustinDhanaraj NSSprogramme officer unit-I received university level best NSS programme officer award for 2016-17 from Anna University on 25-10-17.
- We conducted the Swachh Bharat Activity and the Plastic Removal Programme on 03-01-2018.
- On 19-01-2018, the 250KV Generator lifting was done by the NSS Volunteers.
- Our college NSS volunteers participated in the ralley about electors awareness and 8th National voters day celebration organized at ST Hindu College Nagercoil by the District administration on 25-1-18 and received prizes.The programme was presided by our District Collector.In the function,Dr.C.JustinDhanaraj NSS programme officer received award from District Collector.
- One marvelous achievement of NSS of our college is Ms P.V. Dayana NSS volunteer from CSE III year was selected and participated in the 69thRepublic day Parade at New Delhi on 26-1-18 representing Tamil Nadu.
- Pledge taking programme to eradicate untouchability in our college was organised by the NSS units on 30-1-18 at 11.00 am and was presided by our Dean. In view of National Leprosy eradication programme, observing Anti Leprosy day, pledge on sparshleprosy awareness was conducted for only NSS volunteers on 30-1-18 at 1.00 pm in the seminar hall.
- NSS special camp was organized by both units at Govt Middle School Thammathukonam from 21-2-18 to 27-2-18. One hundred volunteers from both units participated in the camp. The inaugural function (21-2-18) of the camp was presided by our dean Dr. T.V.S. Pillai. In the camp, dengue awareness programme was conducted by district malaria officer MrsLibi. Importance of horticultre was enumerated by Mrs Sheela John, Assistant Director Horticulture. Need for agricultural practices and organicagricultural methods were explained by MrSuresh Agriculture officer from agriculture department Nagercoil. Need for self-employment and various Govt schemes available for self-employment were described by Mr. K. Marimuthu, General Manager DICNagercoil. Free medical camp was conducted on 23-2-18.
- Free eye camp from Vasan Eye care Nagercoiland free dental camp from James dental hospital Vetoornimadamwere conducted for the benefit of the villagers on 24-2-18. On the same day Regional NSS coordinator and Dean UVOCCET Dr.B.Jeyanthi and NSS programme officer from UVOCCET Dr.P.Mathumathi visited the camp.Environment protection and traffic awareness ralley was conducted on 25-2-18.It was presided by our Dean Dr.T.V.S.Pillai in the presence of Inspector of police Rajakkamangalam.Freevertnery camp was conducted on 26-2-18.
- Our college faculties delivered valuable lectures during the camp.Workshop on road safety was organized on 27-2-18 in collaboration with FEDCOT.Yoga, physical exercises, field works, cleaning the school premise,cleaning water tank, plastics removal, highly dangerous parathenium plants removal, tree planting, planting vegetables, ornamental and flowering plants in side school campus and other useful activities like election awareness for villagers were done during the camp.The valedictory function conducted on 27-2-18 waspresided by our dean Dr.T.V.S Pillai.Our former student Ms.T.Poonkuzaly from ECE department was invited as Chief Guest in the function.MrsT.Jasmine H M of the school and Mr.S.Paul Cross B.T.Assistant felicitated the programme.Our volunteers presented variety entertainments in the function.
- NSS volunteer P.V. Dayana participated as an Indian Youth Delegate and visited Nepal on 11-04-18 and represented India
- Road safety programme presided by District collector was conducted in our premise on 25-04-18.
- Swachh Bharat Activities was conducted to clean the campus on 21-8-18.
- NSS volunteers have done community service at St. Charle’s home for the differently abled children Pampanvilai on 24-08-18.
- NSS Volunteers participated in the youth parliament programme organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra held during 04-09-18 and 05-09-18.
- Skill Development Programme was conducted on 24-09-18 Prof. James R Daniel felicitated the gathering.
- NSS Unit 1 got Best Unit Award in University level NSS award function held on 28-09-18 at Anna University Chennai. Selvi . P.V Dayana received University level Best Volunteer Award.
- NSS volunteers attended Pre RD selection camp on 12-10-18 at Coimbatore.
- Conducted dengue prevention programme inside the campus on 22-10-18.
- Our NSS volunteers Vidhul Dakshin and Subhabagavathi (IIndyear ECE) attended National integration Camp at Karaikudi from 10-12-18 to 16-12-18.
- NSS Volunteers participated and presented Film and Poster in the Election Awareness Competition organized by District Collectorate. They participated in the 9th National Voter’s day procession and received medals from Collector on 25-1-2019.
- NSS volunteers participated in the Helmet Awareness Rally presided by Superintendent of police K.K District on 06-01-2019.
- NSS volunteers participated in the Helmet awareness rally inside the college premise in presence of Police officials on 07-01-19.
- Conducted plastic awareness and removal programme in the campus on 18-01-19.
- Dr. C. Justin Dhanaraj NSS Programme Officer received best Nodal Officer award for the special summery revision by District Collector Kanya Kumari on 25-01-19.